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Growing, Strengthening and Increasing the Impact of ATFS

Countdown to NLC: Improving Communications

February 13, 2019 at 12:57 PM by Sara Anrrich


The American Tree Farm System is a vibrant community of 42 state programs, each with its own voice and unique make-up of landowners, volunteers, and partners on the ground. Our vision to reach and engage more family forest landowners wouldn’t be possible without you - one of the thousands of leaders and volunteers on the ground. 

We recognize that every state program is different, and we want to continue to work with you to shape your state’s program based on its unique and specific needs, while continuing to grow, strengthen, and increase the impact of ATFS.

Throughout last year’s process of gathering feedback and listening to ATFS leaders, one of the things we heard most clearly from you is the need to strengthen communications between state programs and the national office. We are evaluating opportunities to improve upon our current communication channels between and among us and the state programs through technology and building more avenues for effective two-way dialogue. Improved communication will help us better meet the needs of family forest owners.

Continuing the Conversation

We look forward to hearing your ideas and answering questions during the 2019 NLC. Join Paul DeLong and Chris Erwin during our ATFS Open House concurrent sessions on Wednesday morning to join the discussion on increasing the effectiveness of our communications.

Can’t make it to NLC? Share your thoughts with your state’s NLC representative, or reach out to ATFS staff. Remember, you can find the full countdown to NLC, along with more resources, on our website.