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Resources for Foresters

Documents for Foresters


Independently Managed Group (IMG) Documents

List of active ATFS IMGs
Scope of Certificates (states) and group names

Certification Policies

Exclusion Language for Pilot Projects
 In order to achieve this vision, AFF is committed to identifying opportunities to remove barriers to certification and access to forestry professionals through the use of pilot programs in identified landscapes across the country in conjunction with strategic partners.

State Program Third-Party Certification Assessments

Individual Third-Party Certificate Documents

Small Lands Module - a Partnership with SFI

Small Lands Module, in Partnership with the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and The American Forest Foundation (AFF) have formed a new partnership to grow the amount of certified family and other small holdings in North America. Together, we will be seeking approval from the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) for this new way to deliver ATFS certification. This SFI Small Lands Module will allow us to combine the best of ATFS forest certification with the SFI Fiber Sourcing program.

Other Documents

Statement on Compliance With Antitrust Laws
The American Tree Farm System's compliance with Antitrust Laws. 
FORI Guidance
The FORI Primer provides additional guidance for Forests of Recognized Importance referenced in the 2021 Standards. FORI replaces High Conservation Value Forests (HCVF).
Chain of Custody handout
This document depicts the chain of custody system to track certified wood fiber from the forest to the store shelf.

Recent Interpretations

AFF Guidance on US Fish and Wildlife 4(d) Northern Long Eared Bat Rule for landowners June 2016
Guidance document for landonwers on US Fish and Wildlife's 4(d) Northern Long Eared Batruling that affects forestry activities surrounding bat populations.
AFF Guidance on US Fish and Wildlife 4(d) Northern Long Eared Bat Rule for foresters June 2016
Technical guidance document for foresters on US Fish and Wildlife's 4(d) Northern Long Eared Bat ruling that affects forestry activities surrounding bat populations

Other Documents