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Growing, Strengthening and Increasing the Impact of ATFS

Countdown to NLC: Saving Forester Time

February 6, 2019 at 3:54 PM by certification

Last week, we shared how Landscape Management Plans are helping to save time and streamline Tree Farm enrollment for landowners. But management plans aren’t the only time consuming process for foresters and landowners. Without an active and engaged network of foresters, it’s difficult to engage more landowners in stewardship of their woodlands.

Removing Barriers: Saving Forester Time

To break down this barrier to engaging more landowners, we asked: How can we make it easier for foresters to participate? We’re working with ATFS Inspectors, as well as state and local forestry partners, to develop and test new solutions to help foresters maximize their time in the field working with landowners. These new approaches include:

  • Testing pre-populated inspection forms and web-based applications to speed the certification administration work required by foresters.
  • Launching digital marketing tools, such as WoodsCamp, to more efficiently connect foresters with new landowners. 
  • Creating a new database that will give foresters a centralized and cost-effective way to manage their pool of landowners and track planned activities.

Continuing the Conversation

During this year’s NLC, we look forward to sharing more about the ways we’re working to help foresters. There will be multiple opportunities to learn how we can create more value for foresters to participate in the program:

  • Hear from partners in Alabama and Florida, as well as ATFS staff, about the current Landscape Management Plan pilots and where we will go from here.
  • Stop by the ATFS Open House with Chris Erwin and Paul DeLong on Wednesday morning to discuss how we can better partner with local organizations to engage with professional foresters and reach more landowners.
  • Attend the WISE (Workshop for Ideas & Solutions Exchange) session Thursday morning, hosted by ATFS state leaders, to discuss enhancing the value proposition for ATFS Inspectors and partners.

Can’t make it to NLC? Share your thoughts with your state’s NLC representative, or reach out to ATFS staff. Remember, you can find the full countdown to NLC, along with more resources, on our website.