About Illinois Tree Farm Program
Jay Hayek
Phone: 217-244-0534
Email: jhayek@illinois.edu
North Central Region Certificate No. PWC-AFF-398
The Tree Farm System mission is to promote the growing of renewable forest resources on private lands while protecting environmental benefits and increasing public understanding of all benefits of productive forestry.
To increase the number certified tree farms in the state through land owner outreach programs sponsored by the state executive committee and its regional committees. To educate the general public of the ecological and economical benefits tree farms provide for our local communities.
- Increase Tree Farmer issues through activism and communication
- Develop a more effective volunteer base through region committees
- Work in conjunction with other forestry based land owner groups throughout the state.
- More Tree Farmer participation
- Develop more funding sources and strengthening existing ones
- Improve communication systems
- Implement new Tree Farm Inspection Process
- Increase number of regional committees
- Develop video guide for sustainable harvesting
- Develop program with schools and Project Learning Tree participants
2015 Facts & Figures
- Number of Tree Farms: 913
- Tree Farm Acreage: 81,242 acres
- Average Tree Farm Size: 86 acres
- Average Woodland size in State: 31 acres
- Number of Tree Farm Inspectors: 21
- Forest Land Base: 4.3 million acres
- (90% is privately owned)
- Number of Pioneer Tree Farms: 8
- Pioneer Tree Farm Acreage: 380
- Average Pioneer Tree Farm Acreage: 89