New Mexico Tree Farm Program Committee Members
DOUG BOYKIN, NM Chair | Diboykin61@gmail.com
JEREMY HANLON , NM Vice Chair | jeremy@forestfitness.com
CHARLIE WICKLUND , NM Treasurer | cjwicknm@gmail.com
TODD HAINES, NM Inspector Coordinator | todd_haines@hotmail.com
ASTRID HUEGLIN, NM Back Yard Tree Farm Representative | ciudad.ahueglin@gmail.com
Website: http://www.treefarmsystem.org/new-mexico
West Region Certificate No: PWC-AFF-398
Our Mission
To promote the growing of renewable forest resources on private lands while protecting environmental benefits and increasing public understanding of all benefits of productive forestry. The American Tree Farm System (ATFS), a program of the American Forest Foundation, is committed to sustaining forests, watershed and healthy habitats through the power of private stewardship.