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Network News: Inspectors Archive

Nominate an ATFS Volunteer Inspector for the 2005 Tree Farm Inspector of the Year Contest

March 1, 2005 at 11:37 AM by certification

American Forest Foundation sponsors this annual award to recognize top performers among the thousands of Tree Farm inspecting foresters. Any inspecting forester can be nominated, provided the state chair approves the nomination. The nominee does not necessarily have to be the state's Inspector of the Year.

While certification and reinspection activity is a requisite, equal emphasis is placed on promotion of the Tree Farm System, and involvement in the forestry community in general.

The winner receives the Wes Meier Award -- a special marble and wood plaque --and a Tree Farm clock. The winning inspector and a guest will receive an all expense paid trip to the 2005 National Tree Farmer Convention in Springfield, Massachusetts, September 22-25, 2005 where the awards ceremony will take place. National and regional winners are featured in Tree Farmer magazine.

Nomination forms are available in the 2005 Tree Farm Leadership Handbook, from your state Tree Farm Committee, or online at – Leaders Only.







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