Controlling Invasive Plants in Small Woodlots
The Controlling Invasive Plants in Small Woodlots webinar held on August 9, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. EDT covers the impacts that invasive plants have on small woodlots in the United States. An integrated approach to invasive plant control is discussed with a focus on herbicides and their application methods. Specific herbicide active ingredients used for control are described in detail. Lastly, four invasive plant species, a grass, vine, shrub, and tree, are as examples of growth characteristics requiring different control measures.
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Dave Jackson, the presenter of this webinar, is a Regional Forest Resources Educator at Penn State Cooperative Extension. He has served in this position since January 2002, and his primary responsibility is to provide educational programs for private forest landowners and youth. Dave earned his Bachelor of Science degree from The College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse, NY in 1988 in the fields of forest resource management and forest biology and completed a Master’s of Forest Resources at The Pennsylvania State University on forest vegetation management in 2007.