Biomass Harvesting
Biomass harvesting guideline implementation provides opportunities but can also be challenging to implement. Recent research lead by NC State University will provide findings from on-the-ground implementation of alternative biomass retention approaches. Professional loggers were asked to apply varying percentages and distribution patterns of logging debris (woody biomass) after harvest. This webinar will discuss the feasibility of operational application based on logger results and impressions, as well as a quick inventory metric that can be applied in the field to measure biomass retention.
**CFE available: 1.0 hr; Category 1-CF
Useful Links:
NC Cooperative Extension: Woody Biomass
Dennis Hazel, Ph.D. received a B.S. in Wildlife Biology and an M.S. in Forestry with a minor in experimental statistics, both at NC State University. He has worked for most of his career in professional support positions within the Departments of Forestry and Zoology where he conducted and assisted with research in wildlife, water quality, and silviculture. He completed a late-in-career Ph.D. in forestry and joined the Extension Forestry group in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources in 2003 where his responsibilities include forest health and productivity. A focus of both his current research and extension includes biomass policy, wood energy production and market feasibility, and biomass harvesting impacts.
Robert Bardon, Ph.D. is the Associate Dean of Extension and Engagement in the College of Natural Resources and Department Extension Leader and Professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University. He received his Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry (Forest Biology - Wood Science) from Iowa State University. His current focus is on using distance learning technology in Extension program delivery to natural resource professionals. He is a member of the North Carolina State University Academy of Outstanding Faculty Engaged in Extension. Dr. Bardon is a registered forester with the State of North Carolina and a certified forester with the Society of American Foresters.