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Resources for Tree Farmers

The Coopers - North Carolina

After over 30 years of hardwork, Bob and Jean Cooper have turned their 118 acre farm from disrepair into a show case for good stewardship and sustainable management.  In 2008,  the Coopers were recognized with the National Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year award

Bob and Jean Cooper share the following advice for fellow Tree Farmers.

1. Increase the value of your farm by sharing it with others.

2. Expand your vision by exploring and understanding differences in needs and goals.

3. Accept the adage that good neighbors are crucial to a good farm.

4. Develop a strong relationship with professional foresters.

5. Pursue your forestry knowledge by attending workshops, seminars, and lectures.

6. Grow your circle of friends with common interests and goals by attending state and national Tree Farm events.

7. Use tree signage as an effective constant educational tool. Place signs at the major species of trees on the farm and mark new plantings with the common name and date of planting.

8. Promote family involvement, which is the greatest asset of a Tree Farm.

9. Subscribe to Woodland magazine.

10. Take every opportunity to plant a tree.