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Charles Pearson of Wyoming

Charles Pearson of Wyoming

What makes them outstanding?

Charles has been a Tree Farmer since 1992 practicing good stewardship practices on his property to ensure sustainability of their forest resources. His forest management started long before that though by about thirty years. Charles learned forest stewardship from his father who owned the property before him. One of Charles' main objectives is to manage for timber production, for a supplemental income to his other agricultural income. A forest fire consumed much of this timber but Charles has not let that discourage his dedication to forest management and Tree Farm. Charles is to be commended for his active stewardship practices he has done along side of the agricultural production management.

Tree Farmer Story

"Tree Farmer" and "Stewardship" were not terms used when Charles Pearson learned about forestry. Taking care of the timber was. The timber supplemented the ranch income, it provided lumber for buildings, many which still stand on the ranch, corral fences and firewood to heat the home.  Charles manages his forest the way his father did, for the future. Charles' two sons still make an income in the timber.  With wise management, thoughtful implementation, carrying this forest to the next generation. After a large wildfire decimated much of his forest a few years back Charles did not stop. Resources were not left to waste. A salvage operation started, harvesting the burned logs and selling them to local mills for lumber. Other trees were dropped to help hold the soil on the hillsides. Erosion and silting up the waterways was a major concern. Not to mention the hazard of falling trees on passing livestock. Currently projects continue, each year a few more acres are thinned, a few more seedlings are visable in the burned area and a forest grows for the next generation.


Wood is a major product of this property. An active thinning program keeps trees well spaced and growing efficiently. Periodic harvests produce quality pine sawlogs. Up until the wildfire, a periodic income was generated. Now the burned are is in recovery mode. Regeneration is developing the future stand.


As a rancher in dry Wyoming water is always an issue. After the wildfire trees were cut and placed across the slope to hold soil loss to a minimum and to protect the water ways.  Ponds are protected to insure water for wildlife and livestock. Water tanks are maintained to minimize damage to water ways and wet areas.


Wildlife has its place on Charles's ranch, numerous deer and wild turkey can be seen on the ranch, they are part of everyday life. There are no know threatened or endangered species found on the ranch.


Recreation and Aesthetics may not be concerns of Charles Pearson. Or may not be terms he would use, but they are a result of a his well managed forest.